* CLICK HERE for www.MagpieHouse.com.au Venue & Special Events! *
Join Zoom events, & classes Tuesday/Thursday 7pm & Sat'day/Sunday 10am at
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8084796200 . (Text to book Sat'day &/or Sunday 10am class)
For Zoom Password, email gneo at ozemail.com.au with full referral details.
(or text 0497 755 025 if running late!)
Raja (Royal) Yoga with Yogaplex, scroll down for demo videos further below.
Studio & Zoom combined. Blends Physical, Mental & Spiritual aspects of creation:
Tuesday/Thursday 7pm, Sat'day/Sunday 10am Sydney-Melbourne time. Monthly contribution, or casual.
Click Poster for Card or Paypal contribution in multiples of $20:

YOGA PAYMENT OPTIONS: Multiples of $20 for the month=
Credit Card or Paypal payments. $20 casual, or Monthly Pass:
$80 per month once per week. Twice per week just $120.
Or $160 unlimited (3 or 4 classes per week). Great Value!
Please Select Multiples of $20:

* CLICK HERE for Personal Development Yoga Teacher Training, or see below. *
* Power Ashtanga Hot Yoga with Iyengar Yoga Precision Melbourne Victoria Australia *
* Gentle Yoga Therapy to Advanced, Beginners+Pre/Post Natal, plus Yoga Retreats *
_ PREVIEW VIDEOS (timetable & more videos at http://www.yogaplex.com.au ) =

Handstand Salute _ _ _ _ Ropes Demo _ _ _ _ _ Backbend Drop Back
Fierce concentration _ _ _ _ _ _ Intensity of Physical/Mental Stability
Yogaplex Yoga School Testimonials Speak for Themselves:
"Awesome place that you don't have to travel to Byron Bay for." Kirsten November 2011
"Loved having workshops at the end of term. I hope there will be more." Sonya Sep 2017
"George, this was an awesome workshop! I can't wait to attend more of your classes and workshops." Melissa Sep 2017
"Another great success George. It was great, informative, & fun." Nicky Sep 2017
"I've been looking for the perfect yoga studio that is 'real'. George Neo makes yoga restorative,
physical and he is a brilliant teacher. No class is ever the same and his contortions are
motivational and inspiring. A real treasure find." Renee Feb 2012.
"I am very interested in doing a teacher training programme with you, as I believe you are the best in Victoria.
If you may be interested I would be honoured to have you as my teacher." Belinda February 2014
"I'm so glad to have found your hidden treasure of a yoga studio, so wonderfully placed
amongst the fresh air up in the hills!" Demi June 2012
"Only been practicing seriously for this term. George is a fantastic teacher, challenges you to
go further & deeper. Will continue a life long practice." Kate Dec 2012
"George thank you for beautiful yoga workshop. The best Yoga ever. Very good combine with
saturday double session. Great feel in spine & chest release." Rudolf Dec 2012
Breathwork, Beginners to Advanced, Mudras, Yin style & more.
See Testimonials above. Both In-Studio & on Zoom.
THE FINEST in HATHA YOGA! Tuesday/Thursday 7pm & Sunday 10am at Magpie House, 48 Main Street
Upwey Victoria Australia. $20 classes. Call/text 0497 755 025 to book.
Shown on Location below with a distant heavenly mountain range during travel.
See past the Illusion! Shut Down the Internal Dialogue, develop Clarity & Peace of Mind...
Click poster below to view the Magpie House Events page.

In-Studio, or join us on Zoom. Purchase 5, 10 or 20 classes at $15 each for Zoom Yoga classes (or casual classes $20 at $20 Casual Class ).
Join our Magpie Blog on Telegram for the Finest updates,strategies,
& Chat at https://t.me/joinchat/HCJApj_x3Pdp7NQG .
* * * * * * * * * * MORE VIDEOS & * * * * * * * *
* * EVENTS & CLASSES Prior to 2024 is below. * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Yogaplex Yoga School 2021, in-studio & still running on Zoom.
Yoga styles are generally Restorative, Yin, Raja or mind focused. Gita & Iyengar yoga styles are
featured, plus the unique & original Yogaplex style that inspires us to Encounter the Infinite.

Stronger Hatha Yoga styles such as Ashtanga Vinyasa, or private sessions, by appointment only.
Classes currently limited to Tuesday/Thursday 7pm, & Tuesday/Saturday 10am ONLY.
In-Studio, or purchase 1, 5, 10 or 20 Zoom Yoga classes at $15 each.
(Credit Card or Paypal payment). Email gneo@yogaplex.com.au to book.
Click for Videos & Testimonials at the Yogaplex Yoga School website:

Yogaplex classes running until Saturday 19th December 2020 before holiday break.
Payments & DIRECT DEBIT Unlimited Classes to ElafrosCosmos Foundation, Westpac 033326, account 381836.
Breathwork, Beginners to Advanced, Mudras, Yin style & more.
Classes currently limited to Tuesday & Thursday 7pm, & Saturday 10am ONLY.
In-Studio, or join us on Zoom. Purchase 1, 5, 10 or 20 classes at $15 each for Zoom Yoga classes.
Visit http://www.magpiehouse.com.au for Zoom link, email gneo@yogaplex.com.au for password.
* * * SPECIAL NOTE: All we offer here is for information & education only. * * *
* VERY SIMPLE timetable: . . . Tue+Thu 7pm . . . & . . . Thu+Sat 10am . . . all levels. Advanced & Private by appointment.
* Casual $22, 5-class pass $100. Term bookings: usually $18/class once per week.
$15/class twice per week. Unlimited around $11/class when 3 times per week.
Deposit & instalments welcome. 6 month unlimited $560. One year unlimited $1000.
(See further below for Zoom password).
Click Poster for Zoom Entry= . . . . . Click/Subscribe to our YouTube Channel=
- an astounding variety of spiritual, natural law, Constitutional & Common law, educational, music & yoga videos.

Yoga Classes on Zoom (full timetable) . . . . . Zoom Events Monday & Friday 7:30pm in general.
Click for Suggested Donation $15 per Zoom Class or Event. . . . . . See below for Zoom access.
ZOOM EVENTS & YOGA CLASSES (6 Classes per week) April-June 2020= (please read carefully)
Please install ZOOM at https://zoom.us/ so that we can video-conference selected Classes & Events.
Please observe Stay-at-Home guidelines, or join with Zoom. FULL timetable on Zoom, see times above.
Join any scheduled time at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8084796200 . Personal Meeting ID: 808 479 6200 .
IMPORTANT: For Zoom Password, email gneo@yogaplex.com.au or sms/text 0497 755 025 with full referral details & email address.
Donation Details $15 per Class, please buy 1, or 2, or 5 or 10 or 20 classes all at once for full term participation:
Click To Donate. Password will be sms returned, provided details are submitted.

Summary of Events & Timetable January to March 2020:
Click poster below to view the Magpie House Events page.

THE FINE PRINT! = YogaPlex combines the particulates of Yoga meaning Union (of Body, Mind & Spirit
or merging the individual with the Universal consciousness) & Plexus, the central hub of an interconnecting
network. Yoga concerns itself with the movement & manipulation of energy in the human frame in a wholistic
way & as such is a science with spiritual affiliations. Unlike other activities, there are no mindless
repetitions nor building bulk in specific parts of the body, both physical (asana) & mental (pranayama
or breathing & meditation) activities are done with full awareness in order to enhance consciousness
that spills over into everyday life as well.
George Neo, YogaPlex's principal with 20 years experience of Gita Iyengar & Ashtanga Yoga styles & philosophy,
maintains that one of the most common misconceptions of Yoga is that flexibility is required to do the practice.
In fact the more restrictions one has the greater the scope of benefits. We all start out as beginners so
regardless of your condition a class is there for you with follow-up terms leading to intermediate & advanced levels as you grow.
Regular practice of Yoga improves circulation & resistance to illness by not only stimulating, massaging &
stretching the muscular system, but the organs & glands as well. Strength & flexibility of the spinal column is
emphasised contributing to a sense of well-being relieving neck & back problems. Yoga is recognised as one of the
most powerful ways to ease stress & tension for both over-active types & those who are tired & lethargic, releasing
energy in order to feel totally refreshed & revitalised after an hour's practice, better able to cope with life's issues.

Join Anytime, Bookings Essential, book 03 9752 5838 or email gneo@yogaplex.com.au
* Personal Development Yoga Teacher Training, Click Here or see below. *
*** Click Here for Past Yoga Workshops, Retreats, & other Events. ***
Yoga Classes Hatha Naturally Hot Yoga Power Ashtanga with Iyengar Precision serving Yarra Ranges, Knox, Upwey, Belgrave, Boronia, Bayswater, Ferntree Gully & surrounding areas.
SOME TESTIMONIALS (they speak for themselves) =
"I am very interested in doing a teacher training programme with you, as I believe you are the best in Victoria.
If you may be interested I would be honoured to have you as my teacher." Belinda February 2014
"I'm so glad to have found your hidden treasure of a yoga studio, so wonderfully placed
amongst the fresh air up in the hills!" Demi June 2012
"Only been practicing seriously for this term. George is a fantastic teacher, challenges you to go further & deeper.
Will continue a life long practice." Kate Dec 2012
"George thank you for beautiful yoga workshop. The best Yoga ever. Very good combine with saturday double session.
Great feel in spine & chest release." Rudolf Dec 2012
"Awesome place that you don't have to travel to Byron Bay for." Kirsten November 2011
"Loved having workshops at the end of term. I hope there will be more." Sonya Sep 2017
"George, this was an awesome workshop! I can't wait to attend more of your classes and workshops." Melissa Sep 2017
"Another great success George. It was great, informative, & fun." Nicky Sep 2017
"I've been looking for the perfect yoga studio that is 'real'. George Neo makes yoga restorative, physical and he is a brilliant
teacher. No class is ever the same and his contortions are motivational and inspiring. A real treasure find." Renee Feb 2012.
YOGAPLEX VIDEOS: (Please allow 30 seconds to load, More Yoga Videos further below).

BASIC YOGAPLEX WARRIOR DANCE (double speed) _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL LOTUS DEMO fast & slo
_ _
Basic Warrior Dance All Levels _ _ _ _ _ _ Handstand Salute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Backbend Drop Back
_ _ _ ( ** Double Speed ** )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fierce concentration _ _ _ _ _ _ Intensity of Physical/Mental Stability
_ _
Tittibhasan & Astavakrasan _ _ _ _ _ _ Eka Pada Sirsasana _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Urdhva Dhanurasana
Discipline invokes effortlessness _ _ _ _ Consistency yields results _ _ _ Body Stillness cultivates into Mind
Eka Pada Balance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sirsasana
Meditation of the Body _ _ _ _ _ _ King of the Poses
* Top of Yogaplex Page * _ _ _ * to MAGPIE HOUSE Web Page *
Very old ad from 2005, new phone number 03 9752 5838:
* Top of Yogaplex Page * _ _ _ * to MAGPIE HOUSE Web Page *
Vegetarian cafe shown below NOW OPEN!.
Fabulous outdoor vegie cafe garden area, suits functions & special events see below.
Magpie House Centre shown below.
Yoga/Dance/Activities room shown below.
* Top of Yogaplex Page * _ _ _ * to MAGPIE HOUSE Web Page *